Tasks and services of Egypt company incorporation lawyers

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

Prepare The tasks and services of an Egyptian company incorporation lawyer are among the most important steps when starting to establish Egyptian companies, as establishing a company in Egypt is an important step that requires specialized legal advice from a certified company incorporation lawyer. He offers you his experience and great knowledge of the laws and procedures related to establishing various types of companies, in order to ensure The process runs smoothly and without any complications, while protecting all the company’s interests and providing legal advice in any problems your company may face. Below, in our next article, we will explain the role of the lawyer in establishing companies in Egypt.

Tasks and services of Egypt company incorporation lawyers

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

In fact, the services of a company incorporation lawyer in Egypt are varied and numerous. No company would exist without him, as he is one of the main people for building any balanced economic entity with a sound legal background. The following are the most important services performed by a company incorporation lawyer in Egypt:

  • Providing legal advice: The lawyer provides legal advice on the best company type that suits your needs and business activity, after comprehensive study To your goals, vision and budget.
  • Drafting articles of incorporation: The lawyer writes the company’s articles of incorporation, in accordance with the provisions of Egyptian law, in order to ensure the protection of the rights of all partners and determine their responsibilities and their obligations.
  • Extract records And permits Necessary: The lawyer helps you obtain all the records and permits necessary to establish your company, such as the commercial registry, tax registry, and work permits.
  • Representing the company before government agencies: The lawyer represents your company before various government agencies, such as the Tax Authority and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, to complete all legal procedures.
  • Follow up on the company’s legal obligations: The lawyer alerts you to all of the company's legal obligations, such as paying taxes and filing financial reports, and helps you meet them on time.
  • It is worth noting that Diwan Company, which provides company incorporation services and provides post-incorporation services, gives you that and more through an elite group of experienced lawyers with competence and skill in managing and establishing corporate affairs, as it has won the trust of thousands of clients over the course of 13 years in the field of company incorporation.

See also: Tasks and factors for choosing a lawyer to establish companies in Egypt

Why do you need a company establishment lawyer in Egypt?

Some people may wonder about the usefulness of having a lawyer, and believe that managing the affairs of his company and establishing it alone is an easy matter, but in reality, having a highly qualified lawyer who handles the affairs of your company and its establishment saves you a lot, as we will explain below:

  • Saving time and effort: A company establishment lawyer saves you the trouble of dealing with complex legal procedures and saves you time and effort.
  • Ensuring legal accuracy: The lawyer helps you ensure the validity of all legal procedures and establish your company in accordance with Egyptian law.
  • Protect your rights: The lawyer defends your rights and interests as a business owner and helps you avoid any legal risks.
  • Safety: Hiring a company establishment lawyer allows you to focus on managing your company and developing your business without worrying about legal matters.

You can use Diwan Company to provide company incorporation services and provide post-incorporation services to obtain all these privileges and establish a successful company based on a sound background. For more details and information, you can contact Diwan Firm Through its website.

How do you choose a company establishment lawyer in Egypt?

Company provides you Diwan provides company incorporation services and provides post-incorporation services, a distinguished group of lawyers with sufficient experience in legal and accounting affairs who are distinguished by the following: 

  • Experience: Diwan Company has lawyers who have extensive experience in the field of establishing companies and have sufficient information about the laws and procedures related to that.
  • Credibility: Diwan Company is also keen on its credibility with its customers and provides them with... Lawyers with a good reputation are distinguished by their honesty regarding client secrets and fulfilling appointments on time in the best interest of the client. 
  • Specialization: Diwan Company is interested in specialization, as it provides you with the appropriate lawyer who has experience in establishing the type of company you wish to establish.
  • the cost: Diwan Company gives you different low-cost quotes compared to other incorporation companies with distinctive services before choosing the right lawyer for your company, commensurate with your budget. 

Read also: The most important tips when establishing a company in Egypt

Tasks of a company establishment lawyer in Egypt 

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

 During the journey of establishing their company, entrepreneurs face many challenges, especially with regard to legal requirements and complex procedures, andIn this context, the role of the company incorporation lawyer in Egypt is highlighted as a strategic partner, as he contributes effectively to overcoming obstacles and ensuring a strong start and strong, continuous growth for the company.

The role of the company incorporation lawyer in Egypt is represented in several important aspects, including the following:

First: tax services

It provides you with tax advice, helps you understand the complex tax laws and regulations in Egypt, and provides you with appropriate tax advice, in order to ensure that your company complies with all tax requirements and avoids any fines or penalties. The company establishment lawyer also undertakes the task of preparing periodic tax reports, such as:

  •  Submitting VAT.
  •  Prepare income tax accurately and efficiently, ensuring it is submitted on time in accordance with legal requirements.
  • He represents you before the Tax Authority if you encounter any disputes or disagreements with the Tax Authority.
  •  A company formation lawyer represents you efficiently to defend your rights and interests, and ensure that you receive fair solutions.

Second: Legal and accounting consultations

A company incorporation lawyer helps you draft legally robust contracts and agreements that regulate your company’s relationships with various parties, such as suppliers, customers and partners, to ensure the protection of your rights and interests. It also provides you with:

  • Keeps up to date with the latest developments in laws and regulations related to business, and provides you with appropriate legal advice to ensure your compliance with the laws and avoid any legal violations.
  • A company incorporation lawyer helps you make sound financial decisions to ensure the stability and growth of your company, by providing advice on project financing, risk management and financial accounting.

Third: Internal audit of the company’s affairs

The company incorporation lawyer evaluates the effectiveness of your company's internal control systems and provides you with recommendations for improving them to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, protect company assets, and enhance the efficiency of operations, in addition to:

  • Performs Compliance Checks Our incorporation lawyer conducts a periodic review to ensure your company is in compliance with all business-related laws and regulations, and alerts you to any potential violations.
  • On the other hand, the company establishment lawyer works to apply the principles of sound economic thinking and identify market trends in a way that suits your company, in order to ensure transparent and sound decisions and enhance trust among stakeholders.

The importance of legal advice in establishing companies

The process of establishing companies in Egypt is considered a crucial step that greatly affects the future of the business and its stability in the Egyptian and global market as well, and from here stems the importance of legal consultation, as “legal consultations” play a prominent role in providing the necessary guidance and directions to ensure that the company is compatible with the legal framework that governs its business. Therefore, legal advice can be defined as seeking advice and legal opinion regarding a specific matter, often complex or related to obligations and rights.

By relying on the experience of the legal advisor, companies can avoid many legal problems that they may face in the future. The tasks of the legal advisor may be considered diverse and require high accuracy and specialization, in addition to being necessary for large projects that include complex operations such as mergers and acquisitions or international expansion, as they are in this In cases, they are absolutely necessary not only to ensure legal compliance, but also to provide guidance on potential risks and how to deal with them.

The role of the lawyer in guiding you through the process of registering and establishing your company

The role of the lawyer in the process of registering and establishing the company is vital and decisive. He is the partner who provides you with the necessary legal advice and guidance to ensure that the process of establishing your company is successful and complies with local laws and regulations. There are some things that the lawyer does during the process of establishing the company, including:

  1. Providing legal adviceThe lawyer will provide you with the necessary advice about the type of company suitable for you, whether it is an individual company, a partnership company, or a joint stock company, according to your individual goals and circumstances.
  2. Preparing legal documentsThe lawyer prepares company establishment documents, such as contracts and official documents required for registration, and ensures that these documents comply with local laws and legislation.
  3. company RegistrationThe lawyer will guide you and help you complete all the necessary legal procedures to register the company with the competent government authorities.
  4. Protection of legal interests: If there are disputes or legal issues later, a lawyer can provide advice and legal support to protect your company's interests and ensure a smooth and effective dispute resolution.

Legal and advisory guidance for establishing companies legally and effectively

If you want to establish a company legally and effectively, obtaining legal and advisory guidance is essential, as legal and advisory guidance helps you understand the local laws and regulations that regulate the company establishment process and ensure compliance with them. The legal consultant for company establishment can also provide advice and guidance. Necessary to make the right decisions and ensure compliance with all required procedures. This includes determining the appropriate type of company for your business, defining the company structure and the responsibilities of shareholders and directors.

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

The legal skills and experience that a company establishment lawyer must have

The idea of establishing companies initially requires specialized legal skills and experience to ensure that the process of establishing the company is carried out correctly and in accordance with local laws and regulations. Therefore, the company establishment lawyer must have some legal skills and experience:

  • The lawyer must have sufficient knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the establishment of companies in the country in question, and of the relevant tax and administrative systems.
  • The lawyer must be able to analyze the client's needs and help him choose the best company structure based on the type of activity and the goals set.
  • A lawyer must be able to draft incorporation documents, contracts, and related agreements accurately and professionally.
  • It is important that the lawyer has previous experience in the field of establishing companies, as he will need detailed knowledge of the necessary steps and procedures.
  • A lawyer must have a great ability to communicate effectively with clients and other stakeholders, and to successfully represent his client in negotiations.
  • The lawyer must be punctual and work efficiently to ensure that the company incorporation process is completed in a timely manner.
  • In short, a company incorporation lawyer must have extensive knowledge of the laws and procedures related to company incorporation, and have the ability to provide correct and accurate legal advice to clients.

The role of the company establishment lawyer in resolving disputes and legal problems

The role of the company establishment lawyer in resolving disputes and legal problems depends on his experience and knowledge of corporate laws and commercial law. In the first stage, the lawyer helps clients establish the company and choose the appropriate legal structure, by preparing the necessary documents and ensuring that the legal procedures are implemented correctly.

When the company faces legal disputes, such as disputes between partners, financial problems, or legal violations, the lawyer provides the necessary advice and directs the company on how to deal with these disputes. The lawyer can also intervene in resolving the dispute legally, whether through friendly negotiation or representing the company. Before the judicial authorities.

In addition to all of this, it follows up on legal changes that may affect the company and provides the necessary advice to ensure its compliance with new laws. In doing so, the lawyer contributes to reducing the legal risks that the company may face and ensuring its compliance with applicable laws and legislation.

Definition of company incorporation lawyer

He is a lawyer who specializes in the field of establishing and forming companies. He assists businessmen and companies in establishing their companies and determining the optimal legal structures for these companies, including choosing the appropriate type of company, preparing the necessary legal documents, and providing the necessary legal advice to ensure that the company is established correctly and in accordance with local laws, and can also provide assistance with tax lien issues and provide advice on business-related laws.

The difference between a corporate lawyer and a freelance lawyer

Corporate lawyers and freelance lawyers are two types of lawyers specializing in the field of law, but they have differences in the nature of their work and the services they provide, and we will explain the difference between them:

First: corporate lawyers

He usually works as an employee in a large company or legal office and specializes in representing companies and commercial institutions. He provides his services to companies in cases related to commercial contracts, bankruptcy, taxes, franchises, and other corporate legal affairs. He also helps companies in establishing their own legal policies and procedures and providing legal advice to them. .

Second: Free lawyer

He works independently without affiliation to a specific company or law firm and owns his own office or works from home. He provides his services to a variety of clients, including individuals, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. A freelance lawyer may usually specialize in certain areas such as criminal law, real estate law, or human rights.

In general, the corporate lawyer works to represent commercial institutions and provide legal advice to them, while the freelance lawyer works to represent diverse clients in various legal fields.

In conclusion, hiring a company incorporation lawyer in Egypt is a necessary step to ensure that your company is established legally and that your rights and interests are protected. So make sure to choose an experienced and credible lawyer, and be clear about clearly explaining your goals, vision, and business activity to the lawyer so that he can give you the best advice. Also, do not hesitate. Ask the lawyer any questions you have to make sure you understand all legal matters, and before signing any contracts, make sure you read them carefully and understand all their terms and conditions, and finally, communicate with the lawyer regularly to follow up on the process of establishing your company and ask any questions you have.
