Tasks and factors for choosing a lawyer to establish companies in Egypt

Establishing companies

There are more than one company establishment lawyers in Egypt, and this may make the process of choosing the best among them difficult, so we will help you and nominate you Diwan Firm Because it is a pioneer and distinguished in the business of establishing companies, and has been working in this field for several years, and can provide you with all the services that you may need and help you establish your company with all quality and within a short period of time, and this is done through an elite group of the best legal consultants and experts who have Great experience.

Ways to Find a Company Formation Lawyer in Egypt

Tasks and factors for choosing a lawyer to establish companies in Egypt

Tasks and factors for choosing a lawyer to establish companies in Egypt

Finding a company formation lawyer in Egypt requires many legal and regulatory procedures, and it is necessary to do this with great care to ensure compliance with local laws and avoid future problems. Therefore, we will highlight the ways you can follow to find a distinguished lawyer who achieves your ambitions as follows:

Search online

You can start your search on legal and specialized websites and lawyer review websites, as there are many websites that provide detailed classifications and reviews of lawyers in various fields, including company formation.

You can also search forums and online communities related to business and company formation, as these platforms contain experiences and opinions of previous users, which helps you get objective recommendations.

Personal recommendations

This means asking your friends and colleagues who have already started their own businesses, as personal experiences are often a good source of reliable professional information. 

Networking on social networks such as LinkedIn can provide you with a list of names of lawyers who specialize in your field, and you can also join groups interested in entrepreneurship and company formation. 


To verify experience, schedule initial interviews with the candidate lawyers to ask questions about their experience in establishing companies, review previous case records and client reviews, and know the details of fees and charges transparently from the beginning to avoid any financial surprises later.

Verify Accreditations and Certifications 

You start by checking the license and that the lawyer is registered with the Egyptian Bar Association and holds the necessary license to practice the profession. 

Then you review and verify the academic certificates and degrees because this can give you an idea of the depth of his knowledge and his ability to provide distinguished legal services. 

Evaluation of previous contracts

Ask the lawyer for samples of contracts and legal documents that he has prepared in advance to assess their accuracy and comprehensiveness. You can also see some testimonials and references from the lawyer's previous clients to provide an objective assessment of the lawyer's competence.

Initial legal advice

Before making a final decision, schedule an initial legal consultation. This session allows you to assess your compatibility with the attorney and how well he or she understands your specific needs. 

Finding an excellent lawyer to set up companies in Egypt takes some effort and time, but choosing the right lawyer can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Therefore, we advise you to use the tools available online, consult your circle of friends and colleagues, and do an in-depth analysis of the services provided before making your final decision. Once you find the ideal lawyer, your step towards establishing a successful company in Egypt will be safer and smoother.

See also: A lawyer is required to establish companies in Egypt 2024

The most important factors that determine the efficiency of a company formation lawyer in Egypt

There are several factors that determine the efficiency of a company formation lawyer in Egypt, the most important of which are the following:

Work experience

Experience is one of the most important criteria that must be taken into consideration when choosing a company formation lawyer, and the lawyer must have a proven track record of dealing with similar cases, whether in the commercial, industrial or service sectors.

Specialized legal knowledge

A corporate lawyer must be familiar with all legal aspects related to corporate formation, including commercial, tax, labor, and foreign investment laws, as this knowledge enables him to provide accurate and comprehensive legal advice.

Ability to negotiate

Negotiation is an essential skill for any lawyer, but it becomes even more important when it comes to forming companies. A good lawyer must be able to negotiate effectively with government agencies, business partners and investors to ensure that the company gets the best possible terms. 

Social and professional network 

A lawyer's access to government and regulatory bodies can be a huge advantage, as a strong network of relationships allows obstacles to be resolved and delays to be overcome more efficiently.

Effective communication

The field of establishing companies requires continuous communication with clients to understand their requirements and provide the necessary guidance. Therefore, communication is necessary, especially since this ensures that you are able to provide advice in a clear and simplified manner to clients, regardless of their legal background.

Reputation and credibility 

The lawyer's reputation in the market is considered an important factor, and the lawyer must be known for his credibility and integrity in work. The lawyer's reputation can be verified by reading reviews from previous clients or inquiring from other legal entities.

Details and accurate analysis 

Attention to detail and the ability to analyze the law carefully helps the lawyer avoid or resolve any issues that may arise during the process of forming a company, including contracts, agreements, and other legal terms.

Continuous updating of laws and legislations 

Laws may change over time. Therefore, a lawyer must stay up to date with legal updates so that he can provide his services based on the most current information available. 

Ability to work under pressure 

Establishing a company often requires dealing with work pressure and time constraints, and a competent lawyer must be able to deal with these circumstances effectively and calmly. 

Cost and fees

Fees are one of the factors influencing the choice of a lawyer, so the cost must be reasonable and proportionate to the services provided. Although the cost may be an indicator of the quality of the service, there must be a balance between cost, experience and knowledge. 

In short, choosing the right lawyer to establish companies in Egypt is not an easy task, but it is crucial to ensure the success of the establishment process and avoid future legal problems. By adopting the previous criteria, any entrepreneur can choose the lawyer who has the experience, knowledge and credibility necessary to achieve his business goals.

See also: Cost of establishing a one-person company in Egypt

Tasks of a company establishment lawyer in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

A company formation lawyer in Egypt is considered an essential element in the process of establishing and managing companies, as he plays a pivotal role in providing legal advice and implementing the necessary procedures to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. The following is a list of the most important tasks and responsibilities undertaken by a company formation lawyer:

Legal and strategic consultations

Analysis of the appropriate legal structure: Providing advice on the most appropriate legal structure for the company (e.g. joint stock company, limited liability company, foreign branch, etc.).

Risk Assessment: Providing a comprehensive assessment of potential legal and business risks.

Guidance on tax obligations: Providing advice on the various tax obligations according to the chosen legal structure.

Preparing legal documents 

Drafting articles of association and bylaws: Preparing the correct legal drafting of the articles of association and bylaws of the company. 

Preparing the required documents: Preparing and equipping all the required documents such as contribution certificates and stock certificates.

Coordination with government agencies: Dealing with various government agencies to obtain the necessary approvals and certifications.

company Registration

Official registration: This is done by submitting the necessary papers to the Investment and Free Zones Authority or any relevant government agency. 

Coordination with the General Investment Authority: Follow up on the application status and ensure that the registration process is completed correctly. 

Opening bank accounts: Providing guidance on opening bank accounts required for the company’s business.

Obtaining licenses

 Determine the required licenses: Determine the required licenses based on the type of business activity. 

Submitting applications: Preparing and submitting applications to obtain the required licenses.

Coordination with the relevant authorities: Follow up on the status of applications to ensure obtaining licenses in a timely manner.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Providing ongoing advice to ensure the company’s compliance with local laws and regulations, and updating the articles of association and any other legal documents in accordance with new legal amendments.

In addition, it is recommended to manage legal disputes: and represent the company in any legal disputes that may arise with other parties.

Internal structure organization

This includes establishing and managing the Board of Directors: providing legal advice on the formation of the Board of Directors and administrative appointments. 

The preparation of work regulations also includes: preparing and drafting internal work regulations and compliance policies. 

In addition, the lawyer manages the financial aspects: and provides advice on financial aspects such as increasing capital and any mergers or acquisitions. 

The success of the company formation process depends on the efficiency and good selection of the company formation lawyer in Egypt who is entrusted with this task. Therefore, choosing the right lawyer is a crucial step in ensuring the legal and commercial feasibility of the company.

See also: Learn about the most important steps in establishing an online company

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

team work Diwan Firm He undertakes the task of establishing companies and carrying out all their legal procedures, and completing the necessary papers, licenses and permits to practice commercial activity. The most prominent types of these companies are the following:

First: Money companies

The term “money companies” means institutions that are based on money, and the personality of the owner has no consideration other than the amount he pumps into establishing the company. They take several forms that we will explain below:

1. Joint stock company

Joint stock companies are considered a large entity in which the company and its capital are divided into small shares of equal value, and then the company’s shares are traded and purchased through shareholders.

The most important advantages of joint stock companies are that each person is responsible for the company's debts only within the limits of the value of the shares in which he has invested, and each investor can dispose of his own shares without making the rest of the shareholders aware or being negatively affected by any of them.

2. Mixed companies

What is meant by this type of companies are companies that are based on financial considerations and personal considerations at the same time. It is worth noting that there are two types of mixed companies that we will explain below:

Stock limited companies

In this type of company, there are two types of partners. The first type is joint partners, and their minimum number must be two people - at least - and they are responsible for paying the company’s debts from their own funds.

The second type consists of contributing partners, each of whom has a percentage in the company according to their shares. Their number should not be less than three people, and they are not asked about the company’s financial obligations or debts except within the scope of their shares within the company only.

See also: Everything you want to know about how to establish individual companies

Limited Liability Company

 Limited liability companies consist of at least two people - and they may be more than that. This name was given to them because the liability of one partner is limited - within a certain scope - and that scope is determined by the share in the capital.

 The maximum number of partners in a limited liability company should be 50 partners only, and it is worth noting that if a partner dies, his share is transferred directly to the heirs.

 Second: Individual companies

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt

Lawyer establishing companies in Egypt He carries out the work of establishing companies based on personal consideration and consisting of a small number of individuals, and most often they may be relatives or friends who have prior knowledge of each other and have mutual trust. There is more than one form of it, such as the following:

1. Sole proprietorship company

 A sole proprietorship is owned by only one person and is characterized by the ease of its establishment procedures compared to other types of companies, but one of its disadvantages is that its sole owner is fully responsible for any losses or debts related to the company.

 This type of company needs to open a tax file because it is subject to the income tax system.

2. Solidarity Company

 The joint-liability company is considered one of the best forms of partnerships, in which there are several people or partners jointly responsible for each other, and responsible for any debts or financial obligations of the company to each other.

3. Limited partnership company

There are two types of partners in the company. The first is the joint partners. Like the partners in joint-liability companies, they have joint liability for the company’s debts, but that responsibility is not specific. In addition, they have the status of a merchant.

 The second type are limited partners who do not have responsibility regarding the company’s debts and obligations, except within the scope of their shares. They do not have the status of a merchant, nor do they have the right to interfere in the management of the company.

4. Joint venture company

The role of a lawyer for establishing companies in Egypt in a joint venture company is to organize the legal relationship between the partners in the company with each other, because it consists of two or more individuals, but among them is an apparent partner who is in charge of the company’s business with the others.

5. One person company

 It is considered a form of individual company, but its capital must be - at least - 50 thousand Egyptian pounds. This type of company is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • It is easy to make any necessary decisions in the company without the need for meetings, because the owner of the company has all the powers and is independent.
  • The company's credit is weak because its owner is only one owner and has limited liability.
  • The limited liability of the company owner is within the scope of his share of the money, and this percentage is what is dealt with in the case of debts or losses.

Read also: Company incorporation lawyer required

The services of a company incorporation lawyer in Egypt are not limited only to incorporation work for new companies, but rather he provides many other services to clients, the most important of which are tax services, accounting and financial consultations for institutions and bodies, in addition to review and audit services, approving budgets, setting regulations and laws for the company and completing transactions. With government institutions such as the Labor and Insurance Office.



