Advantages of dealing with a company establishment lawyer’s office

Company establishment lawyer office

If you are looking for a specialized company incorporation lawyer’s office that will help you transform your company from a dream into a reality on the ground, and save you the trouble of time and effort spent on obtaining permits and obtaining the necessary papers to start practicing your commercial and industrial activity, we advise you to deal with Diwan Firm Which is considered a pioneer in this specialization, and carries out various types of company incorporation, such as joint stock companies, limited liability companies, partnerships limited by shares, individual companies, one-person companies, and others.

How a law firm can be a reliable legal partner in establishing and managing your company in Egypt

Company establishment lawyer office

Company establishment lawyer office

A company formation lawyer’s office can be a reliable legal partner in establishing and managing your company in Egypt, because it plays a vital role in this context, and helps you successfully overcome these challenges, for the following reasons:

Legal experience and knowledge

The law firm has the experience and knowledge necessary to understand the local laws and regulations related to company formation, whether you are aiming to establish a small or large company, the laws differ based on the type of activity and the size of the company.

The law firm can provide appropriate legal advice to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

Preparing and drafting contracts and agreements

Contracts and agreements are essential elements of any business, as a law firm can draft a variety of legal documents such as articles of incorporation, partnerships, and business agreements in a way that protects your interests and ensures your legal rights. 

Licenses and Permits

Most businesses require obtaining licenses and permits from various government agencies, and Diwan Law Office can deal with the agencies that issue them and provide the necessary documents to obtain licenses and permits as quickly as possible. 

Tax Consulting

Tax planning has always been a major challenge for any company, and the law firm has sufficient knowledge of the tax laws in Egypt and can provide appropriate advice to ensure compliance and reduce tax burdens in legal ways.

Representing the company before legal authorities

In the event of legal disputes, the law firm can represent your company before courts and legal bodies, in addition to presenting legal pleadings and defending your rights, as this contributes to preserving your company’s reputation and saves you time and resources.

Compliance with labor laws

Labor laws in Egypt are essential elements that every company must comply with, and the law firm can help you prepare employment contracts and advise on the rights and duties of employees and employers.

Strategic Consulting

Law firms do not only provide legal analysis; they can also provide strategic advice that helps your company grow and prosper, through market analysis and competitive strategies. The law firm can also provide insights that help you make wiser future decisions.

See also: Company Formation Services

What distinguishes law firms specialized in establishing companies in Egypt?

The office of a specialized company formation lawyer in Egypt is distinguished by many factors that make it the ideal choice for entrepreneurs and investors. These features include:

Deep knowledge of Egyptian law

Lawyers specializing in large law firms have a broad and detailed understanding of Egyptian laws related to company formation, including corporate laws, commercial legislation, and the legal procedures required for company registration and licensing. 

Strong hands-on experience

These offices have extensive experience in dealing with multiple and diverse cases related to company formation, and this experience enables them to provide practical and effective advice to clients, including local and international companies. 

Save time and effort

Instead of trying to understand complex laws and procedures, entrepreneurs can rely on law firms to complete all legal procedures efficiently and quickly, as this saves them time to focus on developing their business.

Wide network of relationships

Law firms often have strong relationships with government agencies and regulatory bodies, which facilitates the expedited registration and licensing processes and ensures full compliance with laws and regulatory requirements.

Consulting and solutions

Law firms provide tailored legal advice tailored to the needs and requirements of each individual client, including choosing the most appropriate type of company, tax and legal planning, and ensuring full compliance with legal obligations. 

Support in international matters

For international companies looking to establish a presence in Egypt, law firms provide specialized expertise to understand cultural and legal differences, and can help adapt company strategies to Egypt’s legal and economic environment. 

Transparency and professionalism

Law firms rely on transparency in all transactions, providing periodic reports to clients on the progress of legal work, professionalism in dealing and providing services with the highest quality standards are among their main strengths.

See also: Costs of establishing a company in Egypt

Advantages of dealing with Diwan Company 

We start our talk about Best Law Firm Establishing companies in Egypt by clarifying the most important advantages that clients and customers will find when dealing with Diwan Office as a specialist in establishing companies, which include the following:

 Experience and professionalism

 All the legal experts and consultants working in the office have long experience in the field of law, and are familiar with everything new in the business of establishing companies, and they use this to meet the desires of clients with complete flexibility.

 Our team helps entrepreneurs complete the work of establishing companies with ease, and also provides them with the necessary recommendations that help them in the establishment procedures, such as choosing the name of the company or its legal form and other details.

 Deep understanding

 All office workers are aware of the regulations and laws established by the General Investment Authority and the Companies Law and use those regulations in a manner that is proportional to the client’s interest.

 The work team can guide business owners appropriately and provide them with guidance and advice that will serve them in achieving their goals.

 Integrated services

 The office provides integrated services to clients and its role does not end with the establishment work only, and continues to provide comprehensive support to clients in any procedure or legal step they take.

 The office is responsible for following up on any legal complaint filed against the company. It also attends the meetings of the Board of Directors, taking care that they do not contain anything that conflicts with the law or exposes the company to penalties and fines.

 The office prepares the company's legal documents and contracts, which are dealt with with internal parties, such as company employees, or external parties, such as governmental and non-governmental institutions and bodies. 

Speed and achievement 

One of the most important advantages of a company formation lawyer’s office is the speed in completing the required tasks in the best possible way. This is done with the utmost efficiency because the experience of the office’s lawyers enables them to complete transactions in the fastest time.

It is worth noting that the speed in providing services does not completely affect the quality of work, and the main goal that the company’s experts seek is accuracy and quality to obtain customer satisfaction and achieve their goals.

 Legal advice

 The office provides clients with a legal consultation service at any time, whether by calling the company’s phone number, or going to the office’s address to meet with a legal expert and ask him anything you want regarding the business of establishing companies, and the legal affairs of companies in general.

Company establishment lawyer office

Company establishment lawyer office

Company establishment lawyer office

Establishing companies requires dealing with a specialized place or person who has experience and professionalism so that he can carry out the establishment work legally, so that the company is not exposed to accountability. Among the most important services that are provided are the following: 

  • Determine the legal form of the commercial company you wish to establish according to the commercial activity, in order to obtain all the benefits provided by the General Investment Authority.
  • Choose the company's trade name, taking into account that it is appropriate for it and its activity.
  • Initiating the establishment procedures for various types of companies, such as joint stock companies, joint liability companies, limited partnerships, and others. 
  • Preparing official documents and papers related to establishing the company.
  • Officially registering the company's trademark.
  • Corporate governance. 
  • Carrying out all procedures related to dealing with the Labor and Social Insurance Office.
  • The central registration is with the Misr Clearing Company, which is for joint stock companies.
  • Extracting the industrial register and licensing establishments.
  • Carrying out the necessary legal procedures when liquidating companies. 

See also: The most important tips when establishing a company in Egypt

Steps to establish companies with Diwan

Company establishment lawyer office

Company establishment lawyer office

 If you make a decision to establish your company through our office, there are some steps that you must follow in advance, and then the company’s legal experts begin the incorporation work, as follows:

Read also: Learn about the best company establishment lawyer services

 Power of attorney work 

The client authorizes the legal experts working in the office to carry out the work of establishing companies in his place, knowing that this is done with the utmost professionalism, quality and precision, and that this work is completed within a short period of time.

 Incorporation and post-incorporation work

 The office of a company incorporation lawyer completes the incorporation work and the client begins practicing his commercial activity, and then the legal experts assist the company owner in the company’s legal work after incorporation, taxes, drafting contracts, etc.

How to avoid business start-up mistakes

One of the most important advantages of dealing with a company formation lawyer is that it helps avoid mistakes related to establishing a new company that may cost you time and money. Here are some tips to avoid these mistakes:

  • Conduct comprehensive market research: Know your competitors and study their strengths and weaknesses, then identify the target audience, identify the target customers and what their needs and preferences are.
  • Develop a solid business plan: Determine the future vision of your company and the goals you want to achieve, in addition to conducting financial analysis, preparing realistic financial forecasts and planning for financing the project, in addition to determining the marketing strategy through which you can reach your customers. 
  • Pay attention to the legal aspects: Make sure that you have obtained all the necessary licenses and permits to conclude contracts and agreements, taking into account that you prepare contracts clearly and make sure that they cover all possible aspects of the dispute or disagreement.
  • Finance and Cost Management: Set a precise budget, stick to it, and avoid overspending.
  • Smart Hiring: Select employees with the necessary skills and experience, and do training and development so that you invest in training and improving your employees.
  • Use technology effectively: There are management and planning tools that are recommended to be used to help in project management and planning, in addition to using digital marketing platforms, social media, and digital tools to market your products or services.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your plan based on changes in the market or business environment, while being keen to innovate and adopt new ideas and innovative technologies.
  • Build strong relationships: Create a network of useful contacts from networks and relationships with business people and advisors.
  •  Seek advice: Do not hesitate to seek the help of experts or consultants for valuable advice.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of failure and avoid common mistakes that many people make when starting their companies, because success is not just luck, but the result of good planning and careful implementation.

Communicate with the company

Company establishment lawyer office

Company establishment lawyer office


 Before anything else, please call the office phone number, which is: 01061119566 or 0225281647 to speak with customer service and arrange an appointment to meet with a legal expert.

Then go at the specified time to the main office address, which is 1 Engineers Towers next to Al Salam International Hospital, to discuss various matters related to the company.

At the end of the interview, the legal form of the company, its trade name, and any other details necessary to start work are determined.

Frequently Asked Questions

The last thing mentioned about the advantages of dealing with a company formation lawyer’s office are some of the frequently asked questions that are asked, including the following:

Is it permissible for a lawyer to establish a company?

Yes, a lawyer may establish a company provided that he adheres to the rules and ethics of the legal profession and to the instructions and regulations that regulate the activity of the legal profession in the country.

There are usually restrictions and conditions that define the lawyer's relationship with the company he owns or manages, to ensure that information is kept confidential and to avoid any conflict of interest that may arise.

If you are thinking of establishing a company and you are a lawyer, it is advisable to consult the relevant authorities in your country to find out the applicable laws and regulations, and to ensure that you comply with all the controls that govern the establishment and management of companies with the participation of lawyers.

Who is a corporate lawyer?

A corporate lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in dealing with the legal affairs of companies and commercial companies. He also provides legal advice to companies in a wide range of business-related areas such as establishing companies, preparing contracts, facing legal challenges, and defending the company in legal cases.

 Corporate lawyers provide a variety of services, including:

 Company Formation: A corporate lawyer helps in establishing new companies and choosing the appropriate legal structure for the company such as a joint stock company or a limited liability company.

Corporate Contracts: Companies are keen to review and analyze contracts related to their business activities before signing them, and corporate lawyers review and prepare contracts in a way that protects the company's interests.

Dispute Resolution: A corporate lawyer helps in dealing with company disputes, whether internal or external, and works to resolve them diplomatically or legally.

Legal Compliance: Corporate lawyers help to comply with the applicable business laws and regulations in the countries in which the company operates.

Tax matters: Corporate lawyers provide legal advice in the area of taxes and assist companies in filing necessary tax returns. 

A company formation lawyer’s office must be chosen carefully because its services are considered extended and remain in place even after the company formation work is completed, as it is the one who drafts the employment contracts and any contracts specific to the company with employees and other parties that deal with it. It is also the one who undertakes the task of tax returns, and conducts the necessary reviews and audits to clearly know the company’s position and provide the necessary recommendations.

