How to establish a one-person company

The difference between companies of persons and funds in the financial disclosure

The method of establishing a one-person company requires precise knowledge of the steps and procedures necessary for the company to be established successfully, so one can use: Diwan office Specializing in the work of establishing various companies to obtain the necessary assistance in this work, the office provides its services with high professionalism and guides its clients step by step to implement all the necessary procedures in order to establish a one-person company smoothly and easily.

How to establish a one-person company

How to establish a one-person company

How to establish a one-person company

The method of establishing a one-person company in Egypt depends on a number of basic steps that must be followed, which are as follows:

  •  Determine the activity of the company: You must determine the activity of the company you wish to establish, and ensure its validity and compliance with local laws and legislation.
  • Choosing a company name: You must choose a name for the company that complies with local laws and does not conflict with the names of other registered companies.
  • Preparing legal documents: The necessary documents must be prepared to establish the company, such as the professional contract, the internal contract, and other required documents.
  • Registration in the commercial registry: After preparing the documents, they must be submitted to the competent government authorities to register the company in the commercial registry and obtain the tax number.
  • Payment of fees: The fees required to officially establish and register the company must be paid.
  • Tax Compliance: Must ensure compliance with all local tax and financial obligations.
  • Adherence to labor legislation: All labor legislation must be followed and employees must be provided with a healthy and safe working environment.
  • Risk Insurance: Insurance policies can be purchased to protect the company and employees from potential risks.

See also: Establishing companies in Egypt

Advantages of dealing with Diwan’s office in establishing companies

There are many advantages that make Diwan Office the ideal choice for you when starting the first steps of establishing a one-person company, and the most important of these advantages are the following:

  • The office provides company establishment services with high professionalism and distinguished experience.
  • The office has a good reputation in establishing various companies, including one-person companies.
  • The office takes care of all the details necessary to establish your company in a smooth and efficient manner.
  • The office's team consists of legal experts in the field of company incorporation.
  • Ensuring providing support and guidance to clients to ensure the success of their work. Whether they are looking to start a private company or need assistance with incorporation procedures.

Office services in company establishment work

After clarifying the method of establishing a one-person company, it is our turn to mention the most important services that the office provides to its clients who wish to establish this type of company, such as the following:

  • Legal guidance: The law firm provides legal experts specialized in establishing companies who provide the necessary guidance to clients regarding the legal steps that must be followed to establish companies correctly and in accordance with applicable laws.
  • Registration procedures: The law firm manages all the procedures necessary to register the company, from preparing and submitting the necessary documents until obtaining the necessary licenses and approvals from the competent government authorities.
  • Legal protection: The law firm helps established companies protect their legal rights and ensure their compliance with local and international laws and legislation.
  • Dealing with legal issues: The office’s lawyers handle all legal issues that may arise to the company during its establishment or after its establishment, such as legal disputes, partnership contracts, dispute settlement, and others.
  • Experience and professionalism: The office’s lawyers have the necessary experience and competence in the field of establishing companies and the relevant law, which ensures obtaining professional service.

What is the difference between a one-person company and other companies?

How to establish a one-person company

How to establish a one-person company

A one-person company is a type of business that is owned and managed by one person. It is a very common form of small business that is distinguished from other companies by the following:

  • Financial Responsibility: In a one-person company, the owner is personally responsible for the company’s debts and obligations, while in other companies, shareholders or partners have limited liability according to their share in the company. 
  • Management: In a one-person company, the owner manages the company alone without the presence of other partners to contribute to its management, while in other companies the work and responsibilities are distributed among the shareholders or partners. 
  • Taxes: Tax reporting may be different between individual companies and other companies, and there can be differences in the taxes charged on profits and income. 
  • Financing: It may be more difficult for sole proprietorships to easily attract capital than for other businesses, which may have more than one partner to contribute capital.

What are the main benefits of establishing a one person company?

In the context of our talk about how to establish a one-person company, we will explain some of the main benefits of establishing this type of company, which include the following:

  • Limited Liability: By establishing a one-person company, the founding person is only responsible for the debts and financial obligations of the company without prejudice to his personal funds.
  • Ease of management: With only one owner running the company, decisions can be made quickly and easily without the need for meetings and postponements. 
  • Low costs: Establishing a one-person company is usually cheaper than establishing other companies that require partners and complex operating rules.
  • Confidentiality: A single person company owner can maintain the confidentiality of some business information without having to share it with other partners.
  • Ease of dealing: Establishing a one-person company helps facilitate commercial operations and dealing with government agencies and banks. 

What documents must be submitted to establish a one-person company?

To establish a one-person company, a set of basic documents must be submitted, which include the following:

  • The official form for establishing a company: It is a document that defines the company’s goal, activities, and conditions for its establishment.
  • Formal form of articles of association: A document that sets out the precise details of a company's internal operations and the relationship of its shareholders.
  • Registration application form: A document containing personal information about the founder and details of the company to be established.
  • Proof of identity: includes the founder’s passport or ID card.
  • Office Lease Contract: If the company will own an office, the office lease contract must be submitted as a supporting document.
  • Bank document: Some countries require proof of a bank account in the company's name.

Read also: Learn about the best company establishment lawyer services

How to choose the type of business activity for a one-person company

When choosing the type of business activity for a one-person company, you must look at several factors and considerations to ensure that you choose the activity that suits you and matches your skills and interests. Here are some tips that can help you make this decision:

  • Start by identifying your skills and interests: Evaluate your skills and activities that you enjoy. You can succeed in a business that you enjoy and have experience in.
  • Market study: Study the local market and identify existing opportunities and unmet needs that can be met through a specific business activity.
  • Financial analysis: Calculate the expected costs and potential revenues of each potential business activity, and compare them to determine which activity could generate good profits.
  • Legal Requirements: Make sure you comply with all legal requirements and local conditions related to establishing and operating the business of your choice.
  • Specialist advice: Consult a lawyer or specialist business advisor for advice on which business is best for you and how to build it.

When can a one-person company be converted into a joint-stock company?

The last thing we mention in our conversation about the method of establishing a one-person company is the extent to which it can be converted into a joint-stock company, and that is what we will explain in detail below:

  • A one-person company can be converted into a joint-stock company at any time after the establishment of the sole proprietorship.
  • The process includes amending the company's bylaws, filling out forms and other legal procedures in accordance with local laws.
  • A sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship should consult with a competent attorney or legal advisor to ensure compliance with all legal formalities required for a successful corporate conversion.

Law firms are among the most important entities that entrepreneurs and businessmen seek help from when establishing companies, and they are considered among the best. Diwan FirmThe method of establishing a one-person company differs from other companies, and the Diwan office implements all procedures to reduce time and effort for clients, which makes it an effective partner and an indispensable assistant in establishing companies, to ensure their compliance with the strict laws and regulations that govern their work.
