IT companies

Information technology and programming companies

The recent period, through our team’s contact with the market and our establishment of many programming companies over the past year, we noticed a rise and trend in establishing and establishing programming companies, and accordingly we dedicated this article to tell you some information about programming companies that you should take care of while establishing your company:

The first thing when you are establishing a programming company, you must take care of the legal form and the law regulating your company and know that the most appropriate legal form remains a capital company, meaning a joint stock company or a limited liability company, and the regulating law for it is Law No. 72 of 2017 and benefiting from the advantages that the law provides No. 72 of the year 2017,,

Be aware that you are establishing a programming company within the Investment Authority. It was established according to Law 159 of 1981, and its foundations followed Law 72 of 2017 in order to benefit as much as possible from the advantages.

The advantages that you benefit from establishing a programming company within the Investment Authority under the umbrella of Law 72 of 2017:

  • In the event that the programming company is established under the umbrella of Law 72 of 2017, your company will be exempted from the subscription fees in the Chamber of Industry, and this cost amounts to approximately 2800 EGP,,,

But if you establish it according to Law No. 159 of 1981, you will pay the fees for the room.

  • In the case of establishing a programming company within the Investment Authority, there will be no security inquiry on the partners, and you can extract a commercial register, a tax card, and an incorporation contract in less than a week,,

But if the programming company is established outside the Investment Authority, the partners will be subjected to a security inquiry, and this takes from 3 months to 6 months, and in some cases it exceeds 6 months.

  • When a programming company is established within the Investment Authority, you will be able to establish it in the first year Company without headquarters And extract all the legal papers for you from a commercial register, a tax card, a contract of incorporation, a Chamber of Commerce certificate, a value-added certificate, and also a bank account in the name of your company.
  • When a programming company is established within the Investment Authority, it will be able to benefit from all the advantages of other capital companies 