Learn about the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship

Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

The fees for establishing a sole proprietorship are the first things that are asked about when anyone starts thinking about achieving their business dream and starting their personal project, as things seem complicated at first, especially those related to legal, financial and accounting procedures. Here, the importance of seeking the help of the Diwan office, which specializes in company establishment work, emerges, and which employs a large number of experts and experienced lawyers who provide support and assistance to ambitious people who want to establish companies so that they can overcome the crises and challenges they face with ease and professionalism.

Why is it preferable to use a specialized law firm to carry out the work of establishing a sole proprietorship?

Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

Before we start talking about the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship, we will explain the importance of resorting to a specialized law firm to establish a sole proprietorship to carry out all the legal and regulatory procedures, which may be complex and arduous for individuals, for the following reasons:

Deep understanding of laws and regulations

Laws and regulations relating to the establishment of establishments are subject to constant change, and specialized lawyers are distinguished by their ability to follow legal updates and amendments as soon as possible, which ensures that the actions taken are in compliance with the applicable laws.

Save time and effort

The process of establishing a business requires going through multiple procedures such as tax registration and obtaining permits and licenses, and a law firm can manage these procedures efficiently, saving investors time and effort.

Customized Consultations

Providing accurate advice to each establishment because each company has its own needs and requirements, so the specialized law firm can provide customized advice that suits the nature of the establishment’s activity and its special circumstances, which helps in making decisions based on sound legal foundations.

Legal protection

There are multiple stages in which an establishment is exposed to legal risks, starting from choosing a trade name, through preparing contracts, and up to hiring. This is where a specialized law firm comes in, helping to reduce these risks by providing legal protection and the necessary guidance. 

Providing comprehensive services and integrated solutions

A law firm is not limited to providing legal advice only, but can also provide a comprehensive range of services such as preparing commercial contracts, assisting in negotiation procedures, and providing support in the event of legal disputes.

Avoid common mistakes

See also: Establishing a Limited Liability Company in Egypt

We always say that prevention is better than cure, as mistakes in the incorporation procedures may lead to major legal problems later on, so a specialized law firm helps you avoid these mistakes from the beginning, ensuring that the incorporation process runs smoothly.

Details of the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship in Egypt

There are several sole proprietorship establishment fees and costs that must be considered when setting up a new sole proprietorship and these are as follows:

Commercial registration fees

Registration in the commercial register varies in fees depending on the commercial activity and location, and then an official extract from the register is obtained.

Article of Association Documentation Fees

The process of documenting the articles of association requires paying additional fees to the real estate registry office, and these fees depend on the cost of the contract and the amount specified in it.

Tax card issuance fees

Issuing a tax card requires paying certain fees and submitting some documents such as the ownership or lease contract and a copy of the national ID card.

Various license fees

Professional licenses have fees that vary depending on the type of activity, such as health and safety licenses that businesses require according to local regulations. 

Chamber of Commerce Fees

The fees for establishing a sole proprietorship include paying the cost of joining the Chamber of Commerce, which is mandatory, and there is an annual membership fee that must be paid. 

Legal Services Fees

You may need the consulting services of a lawyer to facilitate the incorporation process, and these fees include consulting fees and the preparation of legal documents.

Advertising and publishing fees

The Companies Law requires the publication of the company establishment announcement in an official newspaper, which requires some money that must be included in the establishment fees of a sole proprietorship.

Legal advice for individuals considering setting up a sole proprietorship

Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

In the context of our discussion of the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship, we will explain some legal advice for individuals who are thinking of establishing this type of company, which must be taken into consideration to ensure compliance with the laws and protect your interests, including the following:

Choosing the right business structure

The legal structure you choose can greatly affect your legal and tax obligations. The sole proprietorship is the simplest form, with the sole proprietor directly responsible for all aspects of the business.

Facility registration

Ensure that your business is properly registered with local and national government agencies. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses and registering in commercial registers. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in fines and penalties.

Obtaining licenses and permits

Depending on the type of business you intend to do, you may need additional licenses or permits, so you should be sure to research and obtain all necessary licenses to avoid legal problems in the future.

Intellectual Property

If you have unique products or services, consider protecting your intellectual property by registering trademarks, copyrights, and patents, as this protects your ideas and innovations from theft and exploitation.

Legal contracting

Put all your agreements and terms of dealing with suppliers, customers and investors in a legal contract in writing, so that it is clear and defines the rights and duties of each party and avoids future disputes.


Ensure you understand all tax responsibilities related to your business by consulting a tax advisor from our office to help you with financial planning and compliance with local and national tax laws.


Consider getting business insurance to protect yourself from potential risks, as insurance can cover damages from accidents, legal issues, and damage to assets. 

Consult a specialized lawyer

It is advisable to speak to a commercial lawyer before starting your business, as he can provide you with appropriate legal advice and help you deal with any legal obstacles you may face.

Saving on startup costs

Try to reduce startup costs by purchasing used equipment or renting space instead of buying it, as this will save you from major financial obligations at the beginning and help you focus on growing the business.

Accounting system

It is necessary to establish an accurate and effective accounting system to track revenues and expenses and prepare financial statements and tax reports periodically. Here we advise you to use modern accounting software or a professional accounting services office to achieve this. 

Read also: Learn about the most important company establishment services

Top Tips for Planning a Sole Proprietorship Budget Successful

The last thing we will mention in our discussion of the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship is some advice that helps in planning the budget for establishing a sole proprietorship, which is as follows:

  • Clearly define financial goals before you start planning.
  • Create a detailed list of expected costs, knowing that these costs can be divided into categories such as fixed costs, which include rent, salaries, insurance, as well as variable costs, which include raw materials, marketing, monthly bills, in addition to capital expenses, which include equipment, furniture, and licenses.
  • Estimate expected revenues based on market research and feasibility studies.
  • Determine the sources of funding and whether you will rely on your personal savings? Or will there be investors? Or apply for bank loans?
  • Allocate a portion of your budget for emergencies and unexpected expenses.
  • Use appropriate tools and software to manage budgets as this facilitates the planning and monitoring process. 

At the end of our discussion about the fees for establishing a sole proprietorship, we must clarify that with the help of Diwan Office, entrepreneurs can focus on achieving creativity and growth, while the office removes all administrative, legal and accounting obstacles, thus turning the dream into a successful reality without any trouble or effort.
