Learn about the most important company establishment services

Company Formation Services

Welcome to Diwan Law Firm, the ultimate destination for company formation services. We provide comprehensive legal services that ensure your company is established quickly and efficiently, in full compliance with local laws. Our team of specialized lawyers has extensive experience in both contract preparation and company registration, and is able to obtain the necessary licenses with ease. All clients can benefit from the legal advice provided by the office. In addition, we provide innovative dispute resolution solutions and effective tax planning. We are here to help you achieve your business goals with confidence and success.

The most important company formation services

Company Formation Services

Company Formation Services

Company formation services are among the most important aspects that specialized law firms seek to provide in a professional manner, to ensure that work proceeds smoothly and effectively. Among these services, we mention the following:

Initial legal consultations

Specialized law firms provide comprehensive legal advice to investors and new business owners, including advice on the most appropriate legal structure for the type and size of business, and understanding local and international laws and regulations.

Preparing and drafting contracts and articles of association

Law firms undertake the preparation and drafting of all contracts and legal documents necessary to establish companies, including the articles of association or the articles of incorporation, and ensuring their compliance with applicable laws and legislation.

Company registration and administrative procedures

The offices undertake all administrative procedures required to register the company with the relevant government agencies and bodies, including the Ministries of Commerce and Industry and commercial registries, until the company becomes officially recognized.

Obtaining licenses and permits

Law firms assist clients in obtaining all licenses and permits required to practice commercial activities, whether local or international licenses, while ensuring that the company adheres to all governing terms and regulations.

Tax and Financial Planning

Law firms provide tax and financial planning advice to ensure the efficiency of the company's financial structure and avoid future legal problems, including the most legally appropriate options for tax practices.

Recruitment and contracting services

Law firms can assist new companies in organizing work by drafting employment contracts and ensuring their compliance with applicable labor laws, as well as providing advice on internal regulations and human resources procedures.

International Services

For companies seeking to expand their business globally, law firms provide specialized legal services for establishing companies in foreign countries, including guiding clients through registration and licensing requirements in those countries.

Guidance on intellectual property matters

This service helps companies protect their intellectual property by registering trademarks, copyrights and innovations, and ensuring legal protection for their intellectual assets.

Legal and legislative updates

Law firms provide periodic follow-up services to ensure that companies continue to comply with changing laws and regulations, which helps avoid any legal violations that may affect the workflow.

The most important papers and documents required to establish your company

See also: Sole Proprietorship Establishment Fees

In the context of our discussion of company establishment services, we will explain the most important papers and documents required to establish a company as follows:

Choosing and registering a company name

There are some tips that help in obtaining a unique and distinctive name for your company, the most important of which is checking the availability of the name in the commercial records, and then obtaining the approval of the relevant authorities for the name.

Articles of Association

Preparing the company’s articles of association that specify its legal structure, the names of the founders, and the percentages of the partners, taking into account the signing of the contract by all founders.

Internal regulations

Preparing the company’s internal regulations that organize work within the company and define the powers and responsibilities of each partner.

Founders and members data

Preparing data of founders and members, such as copies of passports, identity cards, birth certificates or any documents proving age and nationality.

Company headquarters address

Provide proof of the company's headquarters address, such as a lease or property ownership.

VAT registration certificate (if applicable)

The application for registration is submitted if your company requires such registration.

Business License

Obtaining a license from the competent government authorities that allows you to practice your commercial activity.

Registration in the commercial register

An application for registration in the commercial register is submitted so that the company becomes an independent legal entity.

Opening a bank account for the company

Create a bank account in the company's name to manage financial matters efficiently.

Social insurance certificate

Registering the company with social insurance to ensure employee rights.

Partnership Agreement (if applicable)

If the company is based on a partnership, a partnership agreement must be prepared between the partners.

Certificates of experience or qualifications (depending on the activity)

In some specialized activities, it may be necessary to provide certificates of experience or certain qualifications.

It is worth noting that ensuring that all necessary papers and documents are prepared when establishing your company contributes greatly to facilitating procedures and avoiding legal and administrative obstacles, so we advise you to consult legal experts and consultants to ensure the process runs successfully.

See also: Establishing a Limited Liability Company in Egypt

Important steps to register your company in the commercial register

There are some matters and steps that must be taken into consideration when registering a company in the commercial register, including the following:

  • Choose the type of company you wish to establish, whether it is a limited liability company (LLC), a joint stock company, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship.
  • Determine the company name. It is best to check that the required name is available and does not match the names of existing companies.
  • Preparing the necessary documents for company registration.
  • Open a bank account in your name and deposit the capital, but this step depends on the type of company you have selected.
  • Submitting the application to the relevant authorities After preparing all the necessary documents, the company registration application must be submitted to the relevant authority, such as the Ministry of Commerce or the competent authority, by filling out a registration form and paying the required registration fees.
  • Obtaining the Certificate of Registration Once all documents are reviewed and the conditions are met, you will receive a certificate of registration of the company in the commercial register. This certificate is the official document proving that your company is a recognized legal entity.
  • Register with the Tax Authority, Social Insurance and other relevant government agencies to fully implement legal operations.

The most important frequently asked questions about company formation services

Company Formation Services

Company Formation Services

Here are some of the questions that are commonly asked by investors who want to start a new company, including the following:

Is it possible to establish a company without a headquarters?

Yes, you can establish a company without an official headquarters. There are many companies that start as an online business or through remote work without the need for a physical headquarters. However, when establishing a company without a headquarters, you must ensure that you follow the local laws and regulations related to establishing companies.

Setting up a business without a headquarters is beneficial for startups that want to keep operating costs low in the early stages of their business. If you intend to set up a business without a headquarters, it is recommended to seek advice from a lawyer or legal expert to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations in force in your area.

What are investor services?

Investor services include a range of services provided by financial companies and investment institutions to individuals seeking to invest their money profitably. These services typically include the following:

  • Financial Consulting: Financial consulting provides investors with advice and guidance on how to manage investment portfolios and achieve their financial goals.
  • Economic and Financial Analysis: Financial analysts provide comprehensive analysis of financial markets and economic forecasts to assist investors in making investment decisions.
  • Wealth Management: Wealth management companies provide services to manage and improve individuals' wealth through various investment strategies.
  • Retirement Planning: Financial planning experts help investors create retirement plans that fit their future financial needs.
  • Trading and Brokerage Services: Brokerage firms provide services to investors to trade in financial markets and buy and sell various assets.
  • Providing investment opportunities: Investment institutions help provide investors with different investment opportunities that suit their goals and financial risk.

Here, Diwan Office has explained to its clients all the company establishment services it provides, which contribute greatly to the success of businesses, and play a vital role in supporting entrepreneurs to ensure that their businesses are launched legally and in an organized manner, while adhering to the regulations to avoid any legal accountability.
