Learn about the most important advantages of establishing a company with Dewan

Egyptian company incorporation lawyer

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan, The procedures necessary to establish a new company are many and complex, but when carried out through... Diwan Firm It is easier and done legally, and it must have all the necessary licenses, papers, and official documents in order to practice commercial activity. This service is provided with various types of companies, whether it is an individual company, a limited liability company, a joint-stock company, or a partnership limited by shares. It regulates corporate contracts with foreign partners.

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan

There are many features available in Diwan Firm Which makes it the ideal choice for clients who want to establish a new company, Their commercial activity began legally, which we will explain below:

Rely on a well-thought-out business plan

 Depends Diwan Firm Pre-planned legal plans are therefore successful, as the company's legal advisors help clients choose the right type of company for their business to get the most benefits.

 The main goal that all legal experts in the company seek is to obtain customer and client satisfaction, through flexibility in dealing and creating innovative solutions to any problems that may be encountered. 

Credibility in dealing

 Transparency and credibility are the basis of dealing with customers, as the legal position of the company and the advantages and disadvantages of that type of company are communicated to avoid any future problems.

 Great experience

 Diwan Company has experience in establishing companies for about 13 years, All its employees have the professional competence that enables them to achieve the client’s interests legally and in innovative ways.

See also: Learn about the most important steps in establishing an online company

Providing legal advice and advice

The role of legal experts is not only limited to establishing a new company, but they also provide the client with all legal advice and consultations and respond to his inquiries to help him until the company begins its activity.

Post-incorporation services

 The role of legal experts does not stop at completing the work of establishing a new company only, but they also carry out many other tasks after incorporation, such as obtaining the commercial and tax register and completing the transactions related to the labor office and social insurance.

 In addition, contracts with partners or employment contracts for employees are formulated, in addition to setting the internal regulations that are used, and providing any legal recommendations that may support the company’s position.

Company establishment lawyer services

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan

Advantages of establishing a company with Diwan

Clients go to a lawyer who specializes in company establishment in order to carry out many different services for entrepreneurs legally, the most prominent of which are the following services:

Legal advice

 The office seeks to fulfill the desires of its clients and clients, and this is done by providing some legal advice and consultations that help them.

 Legal experts provide innovative solutions and have flexibility in dealing with the various obstacles they face when establishing the company so that the business runs properly and legally.

contract drafting

He takes over Company establishment lawyer in Egypt The task of drafting contracts legally, whether they are contracts for establishing a company or partnership contracts and organizing relations with external parties, In addition to the contracts of employees working in the institution, In a way that organizes the work and makes it done with quality and speed.

 Legal representation

 The corporate lawyer represents the organization before any entities and bodies, whether governmental or non-governmental, and is the one who carries out its legal work.

 In carrying out the task of legal representation, the lawyer relies on reviewing and scrutinizing all the company’s issues and searching for solutions by finding legal loopholes or searching for more flexible and innovative solutions.

Trademark registration

 Any new company must register its trademark so that it can operate legally to avoid being held accountable. This also has an effective role in raising the market value of the company and thus achieving higher financial gains and its shares being more expensive in terms of price.

Dealing with taxes

 The reports that are submitted for taxes must be reviewed and prepared by a specialized lawyer, so that they are of a high degree of accuracy and quality, and this is what the legal experts at Diwan do with ease.

Read also: Fees for establishing an individual company in Egypt

What are the papers required to establish a company?

After talking about the advantages of establishing a company with Dewan, you must recognize that there are many official documents that you need Diwan Firm When undertaking the work of establishing a new company affiliated with the General Investment Authority, so that you can complete the required procedures, the most important of these documents are the following: 

  • A copy of the passport if the company’s founding partner is a foreigner.
  • A copy of the national ID card, provided that it is within the validity period
  • Birth certificates of partners in the company.
  • An acknowledgment from the partners, agents and managers of the company that they do not work in a public sector company or a government job.
  • Submitting a certificate of no confusion in the trade name through the General Authority for Investment.
  • Obtaining an incorporation form for the company, which is obtained electronically through the electronic portal of the General Investment Authority.
  • Extracting the itinerary file for the new institution, taking into account that it contains all the information about the company, and then publishing it in the Investment Gazette.

 In conclusion, we have explained the advantages of carrying out the work of establishing a company through our legal experts at Diwan Company, given that we have more than 13 years of experience in the work of establishing companies, and all our employees are familiar with everything new in the law, and their long experience in the field makes them able to create more solutions. Flexibility and innovation for any problems that may be encountered, and all of this is provided at competitive prices in exchange for providing services of a high degree of quality and effectiveness.



