The most important steps to establish a limited liability company in Egypt

Establishing a Limited Liability Company in Egypt

Diwan Law Firm is your ideal partner in establishing a limited liability company in Egypt. You can resort to it if you are looking for a reliable and experienced legal partner to establish your company, because it provides a comprehensive range of specialized legal services, and has a professional management that combines efficiency and extensive experience in the field of commercial law, and has a team of qualified lawyers who organize the establishment work quickly and smoothly, with full compliance with all legal procedures and government regulations.

The most important features that must be available in the law firm that undertakes company formation work

Establishing a limited liability company

Establishing a limited liability company

When searching for a law firm to undertake the work of establishing a limited liability company in Egypt, there are many advantages and characteristics that must be available to ensure achieving the best results, including the following:

  • Years of experience: Make sure that the office has many years of experience in the field of company formation. 
  • Previous Clients: Having a list of previous clients can be a good indicator of the efficiency of the office.
  • Corporate Law Specialization: The office should preferably specialize in corporate law and other related areas such as taxes, contracts, and commerce.
  • Successful track record: Check the firm's successful track record in establishing companies. 
  • Compliance with legal standards: The office should have a good record of compliance with local and international standards and laws.
  • Good reputation: Reading reviews and recommendations from previous clients can give you an idea of the office's professional reputation. 
  • Diversity of experience: The presence of a diverse team of lawyers who have experience in various legal fields.
  • Personal Service: There should be special attention and close follow-up for each case.
  • Communication and Transparency: There should be clarity on expected fees and costs.
  • Continuous communication: Providing open and fast communication channels to respond to customer inquiries.
  • Legal Network: Having a wide network of relationships with government bodies and relevant interests can facilitate the incorporation process.
  • Use of modern technology: helps speed up procedures and improve the efficiency of legal services.
  • Periodic update: Follow up on legal and technological updates to enhance the level of service.
  • Post-incorporation support: Having post-incorporation support services such as ongoing legal advice, contract management, and periodic evaluation can be very helpful.
  • Ability to deal with complex situations and solve problems: The office’s ability to deal with complex legal circumstances and situations and problems that may arise. 

See also: Steps to establish a limited liability company

Steps to establish a limited liability company easily in Egypt

If you are an entrepreneur and planning to establish a company, here are the steps for establishing a limited liability company in Egypt, which are as follows:

Early planning

Before starting the procedures for establishing your company, you need to develop a clear business plan. This plan must include the type of business activity, the target market, and competitors after studying the market and knowing your most important competitors, and finally determining the financial budget after making an initial estimate of the expected costs and revenues. 

Choose a company name

Choosing a name that expresses your company’s identity and activity is very important. The name must be unique and not used by another company, so make sure to reserve the name you want through the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones.

Preparing the articles of association

The next step is to prepare the company’s articles of association, which should include the following details (company name, type of business activity, capital, names of partners and their shares, legal location of the company).

Submitting the necessary documents after preparing the contract

You need to submit several required documents to the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, and these documents include (a certified copy of the articles of association, a bank certificate proving the deposit of capital, the national ID card or passport of the partners, a certificate of no similarity in the trade name).

Payment of fees 

Establishing a limited liability company requires paying several fees such as (commercial registry registration fees, commercial registry extraction fees, tax card issuance fees, and taxpayer card fees).

Obtain official records and cards

Once the fees are paid and the documents are submitted, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones will issue the commercial register, tax registration card, and taxpayer card.

Open a bank account to manage your company's financial operations

You will need to open a bank account in the name of the company, as some banks offer facilities for startups including financial advice and financing.

Social Insurance

You should register with the Social Insurance Authority and insure the employees working in your company, because this procedure helps in providing the rights of employees and protects them from risks.

Obtaining the required licenses

Some businesses require additional licenses from certain authorities, so make sure you have all the licenses required for your business.

Start operating after completing all official procedures

You can start your business and start marketing your products or services.

Additional tips

You can seek the assistance of a legal advisor or a specialized consulting office such as: Diwan office To facilitate procedures and ensure their proper implementation, while paying attention to legal updates and new government regulations related to companies.

Read also: The most important steps to establish a limited liability company in Egypt

Papers and documents required to establish a limited liability company in Egypt

Establishing a limited liability company

Establishing a limited liability company

Here is a guide to the papers and documents required to establish a limited liability company in Egypt, which include the following:

The preliminary contract and the articles of association of the company

The preliminary contract must include the company’s name, purpose, address, capital, and the names of its managers. The contract must then be documented at the Real Estate Registry Office.

The articles of association must explain how the company is managed, the rights and obligations of shareholders, the method of distributing profits and losses, and the procedures for general meetings.

A copy of the ID card or passport

A copy of the national identity card or passport, if foreign, is required from each founder or shareholder.

Certificate of non-ambiguity of trade name

You obtain this certificate from the Investment Authority to confirm that the proposed company name is not similar to the names of other registered companies. 

Proof of capital payment

This is done by bringing a certificate of authentication from the bank stating that the initial capital of the company has been deposited in a bank account in the name of the company under establishment. 

Company address documents

Lease or ownership contracts for the company's headquarters must be submitted, and it is necessary to ensure that this address is registered correctly.

Trade Names and Agency Acknowledgment

This is a document that includes the names of the founders and powers of attorney given to the company's directors or legal representatives.

Company establishment agencies

If you are hiring a lawyer or relying on a legal services office to establish the company, you must submit a power of attorney signed by him and certified by the competent authorities.

Security clearance for foreigners

If there are foreign shareholders or directors, security approval must be obtained from the relevant authorities.

Register in the commercial register

Registration must be started after obtaining all permits and approvals, in order to obtain the commercial register.

Tax card

After registering the company in the commercial register, you must go to the Tax Authority to obtain the tax card.

Register in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

 Registration in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry depends on the company’s field of activity.

 Additional measures for private sectors

If the company operates in a specific sector such as food or technology, it may require additional licenses from the relevant regulatory bodies.

Finally, we have mentioned everything related to establishing a limited liability company in Egypt and we have made it clear that we recommend Diwan Law Office to do this because it has years of experience in providing legal advice and establishing companies, and the work team in it is professional, and it also takes into account all regulations and laws during the establishment procedures, and continues to provide support and advice to clients even after establishing companies.
