The most important criteria for choosing a company establishment office

Company establishment office

Company establishment office in Egypt This is the focus of our discussion in this article, as there are many people who want to establish their companies in Egypt and want to seek the help of company establishment companies; In order to guide them on the right path and take the necessary legal measures, and of course they are looking for the best of these companies, the most prominent of which is Diwan Company, which works to provide the best service to its customers and ensure their satisfaction, and through the following lines we will talk in detail about the company establishment office and what it is. Criteria that you should consider when choosing the best office.

Criteria for choosing a successful company establishment office

Company establishment office

Company establishment office

There are many offices and companies specialized in the field of how to establish companies, and the most prominent of these companies are: Diwan Firm Which enjoys a good reputation among all establishment companies, and below we will mention the most important standards that must be met by the company that you will choose to establish your company and rely on it with a reassured heart, including that the office be able to conduct a useful feasibility study, as the feasibility study It is considered the important and basic stage that precedes the study of any project. Good advance planning for it shows the extent of the success of the idea’s implementation in the market, and from here comes the role of choosing the appropriate company to prepare an effective feasibility study for your project.

It is worth noting that there are many companies and offices specialized in conducting feasibility studies, but how can you choose the best among these offices? We will answer this question through the following: –

See also: Learn about the steps to establish a company with a foreign partner in Egypt

First: Preparing a technical feasibility study

Preparing a technical feasibility study is a vital process that aims to evaluate all the technical and technological aspects related to a specific project. This study includes all the information, its analysis, and the evaluation of opportunities, challenges, and potential technologies, which aims to study and provide a comprehensive vision of the feasibility and success of the project from a technical standpoint, in addition to it. Enables investors to make informed investment decisions.

Second: Develop an executive summary

The executive summary helps in drawing a broad scope in the form of lines on what was studied in the feasibility study, in order to facilitate the arrangement of the steps, and the possibility of referring to them at any time.

Third: Determine the size and production capacity of the project

By determining the size of the project, the costs of the equipment that will be used in this project are determined. This can only be done by conducting a comprehensive technical study of everything related to the project, including calculating costs related to shipping and internal installation, the rental or purchase price of the project location, government licenses, and expenses. .

Fourth: Determine production methods

By determining production methods, the best method of production is determined and how the product can affect it, which we will explain below: –

  • Study competitors' sales to obtain new customers.
  • Analyze how competitors sell.
  • Determine technical means and equipment.
  • Determine the project location.
  • Determine project costs.
  • Studying the internal structure of the project, through which the project sections, special sites, requirements for the project site, its establishment costs, and then the project costs are studied.

Fifth: Study of competitors

This is done by providing all the details and studying the competitors involved in the same project and production. This is done through several steps:

  • Determine the target group.
  • Determine the extent of demand for the product in the market.
  • Identify competitors' disadvantages and advantages.
  • Identify competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
  • Knowing the extent of consumer need.

Sixth: Production line service

One of the most important elements that must be available in A lawyer's office for establishing companies in Egypt It is determining the service of production lines, which is a process in which the project’s production lines are studied and the available ideas are determined in order to implement and achieve the best productivity increase, by conducting a cost study of all the project’s production lines.

Seventh: Preparing action plans

It is a set of plans that are implemented in preparing clear plans consisting of all available details, through a set of steps, defining the objectives and details of the project, which are arranged in the work of the complete feasibility study and before commencing the project, and the work plan is developed by specifying Some elements, such as specifying all information and data related to the company.

Eighth: Preparing investment consultations

It is a study whose importance lies in determining the appropriate financial and investment returns for implementing a project, which leads to many effective results, namely how to manage the project, determine the value of the project, maintain the success of the idea and implement it on the ground.

Read also: Learn about the steps to establish a sole proprietorship in Egypt

The role of Dewan Company in establishing companies

Company establishment office

Company establishment office

There is no doubt that Diwan Company has a large and clear role in establishing companies, so it is considered one of the most prominent companies that you can seek help from, and below we will explain its role in some points: -

  • Providing many legal inquiries, consultations and assistance until the appropriate legal form for the company is chosen, so that it achieves the highest benefit and can benefit from it as much as possible.
  • Sharing the customer’s opinion in choosing the trade name appropriate to the nature of the activity.
  • Establish all general regulations pertaining to the company, such as the financial regulations, purchasing regulations, and sanctions regulations, because these matters are what help organize the work in the correct manner.
  • Preparing all official papers and documents related to the company.
  • Extracting the industrial register and working on completing facility licenses.
  • The law experts working in the office represent companies before various official bodies, such as social insurance, labor offices, and any other institutions.
  • The company issues an import card that enables its owner to order production supplies from abroad.
  • Registering the company in the industrial registry, the commercial registry, as well as the registry of exporters and importers.
  • Opening the corporate tax file.
  • Dewan Company undertakes the task of selling or assigning shares.

What are the conditions for establishing a company in Egypt?

There are many conditions that you must follow if you want to establish a company in Egypt, and below we will mention them:

  • Determine the company’s activity and whether it is a commercial, industrial, or electronic activity.
  • Determining a trade name for the company, in which the company name is determined and is chosen based on the activity practiced by the company.
  • Determine the company's capital, which is placed only on papers in order to facilitate the granting of bank loans.
  • Articles of Association if there is a group of partners that prepares the Articles of Association to be documented.
  • Company registration. Company registration is through entity registration if you are one person or a group of partners with the Egyptian Tax Authority and the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

What are the steps to establish a company in Egypt?

There are a set of steps that must be followed when establishing a company in Egypt, and below we will mention them: –

  • Go to the Establishment Department at the headquarters of the General Authority for Establishment.
  • Receive a form for writing company information.
  • Determine the name of the company, the purpose of the company name, and the type of company.
  • Receive a certificate of no confusion.
  • Submitting the papers and documents required to establish the company.
  • The papers that are submitted include the financial accountant’s certificate, the founders’ birth certificate, and general powers of attorney from the partners and founders of the company.
  • Submitting the necessary papers to the Authority’s Audit Department in order to ensure their authenticity.

Secrets of success in choosing the appropriate company establishment office

Choosing the appropriate company incorporation office is a very important step in the journey of starting a business, and here are some secrets that can help you choose the appropriate company incorporation office:

  • Make sure that the office has experience and specialization in the field of establishing companies, so it must have the necessary knowledge and experience to carry out all procedures and help in choosing the appropriate type of company.
  • View reviews of previous clients by asking for references from companies that the office has previously established. If they have a good reputation and positive reviews, this means that you have found a good office.
  • Compare the costs of different office services and make sure you are getting good value for the money you will pay.
  • Check whether the office offers additional services after establishing the company such as legal advice or tax support.
  • Ensure that the office understands the laws of the country in which you work and can help you comply with these laws.
  • The office must be communicative and deal with you efficiently and professionally, and you must also ensure that you receive good support and assistance during the process of establishing the company.

How to differentiate between good and bad company establishment offices

When making the decision to establish a company in Egypt, choosing a good company incorporation office is among the most important steps that require accuracy and quality, as it is necessary to verify the professional reputation of the office by searching for reviews and opinions of previous clients on the Internet, which may be available on review sites. Business or even social media pages, it is preferable to deal with an office that has a good reputation and a large number of positive reviews.

Get acquainted with previous experiences and the services provided by examining the diversity and distinctiveness of the services provided by the office, such as providing legal and accounting consultations, and knowing the procedures required to establish companies in detail, in addition to that a good company establishment office will provide you with clear and reasonable cost programs without hidden fees, so that You avoid unwanted financial problems later, with flexibility and speed of procedures, all of which enables you to deal with a company that has credibility and follows basic standards.

Is it possible to establish a company without a headquarters?

This question is one of the common questions on the minds of some people, and the answer to this question is yes. It is possible to establish a company without an official headquarters, and this type of company is known as “web companies” or “remote work companies,” where the work is closely related. Essential to the Internet and remote communication between team members, through remote communication and online collaboration technologies.

Company members are able to work together on their projects without the need for a physical headquarters, but web companies must comply with corporate laws and regulations, including registering the company, obtaining the necessary licenses, and adhering to all other legal requirements related to the business, in short; You can establish a company without a headquarters, but you must adhere to the laws and legislation of companies in the country in which you operate.

 Company establishment office

Company establishment office

Types of companies in Egypt

There are several types of companies that can be established in Egypt, the most prominent of which are:

1. Personal companyOwned by one individual, he bears all debts and financial responsibilities related to the company.

2. Company Limited: It consists of partners who share capital and profits and are responsible in a proportion equal to their share in the company.

3. Limited Liability Company: It is a type of company consisting of partners who bear liability up to a maximum equivalent to their share in the capital.

4. Company working in handicrafts: It manufactures and markets traditional and craft goods.

5. Foreign companyIt is affiliated with a foreign company and enjoys some financial privileges and incentives.

These are some types of companies in Egypt, and each type may have its own specifications and laws that determine the conditions for its establishment and operation.

What are the papers required to establish a company?

Establishing a company requires legal procedures and the submission of many basic documents and papers. These papers may vary based on the type of company and the local laws of the country in which you intend to establish the company. However, the basic documents that you may need when establishing a company usually include the following:

1. Company establishment application form.

2. A model of the company’s articles of association.

3. A list of the names and information of shareholders or officials in the company.

4. Company incorporation contracts.

5. Proof of the identity of the founders and directors.

6. A simple financial report showing the capital allocated to the company.

7. Pay the required fees and taxes according to local legislation.

Costs of establishing a company in Egypt

The costs of establishing a company in Egypt require attention to many factors and stages to ensure that the process proceeds in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The criteria for choosing a company establishment office are among the basic aspects that everyone who wishes to establish a company should consider, as competence and experience in this field play a vital role. In determining the success of the process and the ease of its implementation, we therefore explain here some points that must be considered when calculating the costs of establishing a company in Egypt:

1. Contract documentation costsThese costs include documenting the company’s incorporation contracts, partner contracts, and other official documents.

2. Costs of registration in the commercial registryYou must pay registration fees at the commercial registry in addition to the costs of submitting the required documents.

3. Tax costs: Incorporation taxes and annual company taxes must be paid.

4. Office rental costsYou should consider the costs of renting an office or headquarters for the company.

5. Labor costs: If you plan to hire employees, consider payroll and health insurance costs.

6. Company operating costs: This includes production costs, marketing, and any other expenses related to operating the company.

Dear reader, we have thus reached the conclusion of our article about the most important criteria for choosing a company establishment office, by mentioning the most important factors that must be present in the company that you will use to establish your company, the most prominent of which is Diwan Company, and the most important conditions that must be followed to establish companies, The most important steps necessary to establish companies.


a partner
